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- 學費参考 | 北京普通話教育坊
Acerca de 學費参考 學費參考: 初級普通話、幼稚園普通話、初小普通話(小一至小三) :每小 時280元以上 中級普通話、高小(小四至小六)、中學普通話、中國語文(小四至小六):每小時300元-350元 高級普通話、中國語文(中一至中三)、商務普通話、專業普通話:每小時350元-450元 專科專業普通話、朗誦比賽、演講培訓、話劇排練、角色扮演、故事分享、遊戲設計:400-600元 網絡授課:每小時200元起
- 優質導師團隊 | 北京普通話教育坊
High-quality mentor team Hong Kong-Central and Western District Kowloon-Kowloon City District Kowloon-Yau Tsim Mong District New Territories-Sai Kung District New Territories-Tuen Mun District Hong Kong-Eastern District Kowloon-Kwun Tong District New Territories-Islands District New Territories-Shatin District New Territories-Yuen Long District Hong Kong-Southern District Kowloon-Sham Shui Po District New Territories-Kwai Tsing District New Territories-Tai Po District Hong Kong-Wan Chai District Kowloon-Wong Tai Sin District New Territories-North District New Territories-Tsuen Wan District
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聯絡電話:9745 6869 傳送郵件 WhatsApp查詢 Introduction to Mandarin Putonghua is a modern Chinese common language with Beijing phonetic as the standard pronunciation, northern dialect as the basic dialect, and typical vernacular writings as the grammatical norms. This standard includes three aspects: phonetics, vocabulary, and grammar. Mandarin is a common language used throughout China and a standard language commonly used by the Chinese nation. It is also the language commonly used by all Chinese in the world. Mandarin was formed after a long historical development process. In the process of formation, Beijing dialect has a special status. In the Tang Dynasty, Beijing belonged to Youzhou and was an important military town in the north; in the Liao Dynasty, Beijing was one of the five capitals; especially since the Jin and Yuan Dynasties, Beijing has become the political, economic and cultural center of our country. Due to the concentration of politics, economy, and culture, the influence of Beijing dialect has gradually become significant. Putonghua (called Mandarin in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau), Mandarin (called Mandarin in Taiwan), and Chinese (called Mandarin in Southeast Asia) have certain differences in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. Modern and contemporary Chinese accents are regarded as the standard pronunciation of Chinese in the areas where "Chinese" is mainly spread, and are widely used in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and overseas Chinese societies.
- 教育坊簡介 | 北京普通話教育坊
教育坊簡介 北京普通話教育坊擁有9年歷史,在普通話教學和普通話教授中文的轉介工作方面擁有豐富的經驗,放心交給我們替你分擾。不論是私人上門教授,還是派送導師到校服務都不是問題,因為我們擁有400多位母語是普通話,, 專科專職教學的導師團隊。 導師資歷: 有龐大的、母語全是普通話的、具有專業資格的、經驗豐富的、普通話導師和中國語文導師團隊! 擁有本地大學退休教授;對外漢語教師;本地和內地碩士生;本地大學語文及人文文學學士;本地大學普通話高級教師;國家語委普通話測試一級甲等證書老師;內地師範大學中文系畢業老師;曾任小學語文老師; 北京語音普通話老師;朗誦評判…… 可提供的教學內容: 初級普通話、幼稚園普通話、初小普通話(小一至小三) 中級普通話、高小(小四至小六)、中學普通話、中國語文(小四至小六) 高級普通話、中國語文(中一至中三)、商務普通話、專業普通話 專科專業普通話、朗誦比賽、演講培訓、話劇排練、角色扮演、故事分享、遊戲設計 網絡授課 幼童 : --會話、朗誦、拼音、唱歌和遊戲等適宜幼童的方式教授普通話 --推薦參加全港大、小普通話朗誦比賽,包括"香港校際朗誦節比賽"、"GAPSK普通話朗誦比賽"和坊間認受性朗誦比賽 --代報「KPCC幼兒普通話水平測試」、「港澳地區GAPSK 幼稚園普通話水平考試」 --讀國學,學習經典中華傳統文化: [ 三字經 ] 、[ 弟子規 ] 、[ 論語 ] 、[ 千字文 ] 等 --推薦參加 [ 兒童讀經 ] 課程、經典知識水平評核 中小學 : --會話、拼音、普通話學校課本、指導普通話教中文課程以及跟進學校普通話功課 --操練校際朗誦比賽誦材和推荐校際朗誦節賽前模擬賽 --備戰「港澳地區GAPSK 小學/中學普通話水平考試」 --代報「港澳地區GAPSK 小學/中學組普通話朗誦比賽」、校際朗誦節朗誦比賽賽前模擬賽 --推薦參加書法比賽、徵文比賽 成人 : --拼音、日常會話、商業會話、銷售會話等等 --根據不同行業的要求,度身訂做,因材施教和針對學習弱點制定改進教材 --學生的行業有AIA高級經理、到內地做生意的商人、浸會大學講師、大公司秘書、酒店經理 導師輔導的學生特色和導師得益: 有來自香港、九龍、新界和離島地區的學生 學生年齡從3歲至50多歲 學習程度和學習範疇各不相同 不同年齡、不同程度、不同學習範疇和不同學習要求給導師帶來經濟價值各不踁同 導師可發揮某些方面的強項,找到更適合自己專業和特長的學生 更能找到適合自己交通路線的學生
- 導師專頁 | 北京普通話教育坊
Acerca de Mentor page 1. Find students To help tutors find students who are suitable for tutor transportation routes in Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, the New Territories and outlying islands, tutors please fill out the online inquiry form on this webpage or Whatsapp or email, and indicate academic qualifications, part-time/full-time tutors, certificate results, and destinations available Email to: malaoshi38@yahoo.com.hk Or whatsapp: 9745 6869 2. Cost When a suitable tutor has been found for the parent/student, the tutor has also confirmed to attend the parent/student’s home or company. After completing the first 2 weeks of class/monthly salary/after the first 3 weeks of class (one class or several classes every other week), the instructor will pay 10% of the agreed tuition for the first two weeks of class/monthly salary/first The tuition for 3 weeks of classes (one class or several classes every other week) is deposited into the designated bank account as the administrative cost of this syllabus station. The administrative fee is at least 2 lessons. After the first class of the parent or student, if the parent or student thinks that the tutor is not suitable and cancels the class, the tutor shall pay half of the agreed tuition for the first class. 3. Need to bring spare documents and certificates: In the first class, the instructor must bring along an ID card or student ID, as well as relevant qualification certificates, which must be presented as a certificate. If the parent/student requests to check, if the tutor refuses to provide the ID card or student ID and related certificates, the parent/student refuses to attend the class or terminates the cooperative relationship between the two parties, this guide will be regarded as the reason for the tutor’s default To terminate the case, the instructor must pay half of the tuition fee for the number of lessons already in class, plus HK$200 for administrative fees. 4. Cancel the confirmed case After the instructor and the staff of this program accept the case verbally, no matter what the reason (including illness) decides to abandon the case, the administrative fee must be paid. If you have not attended the first lesson, an administrative fee of $200 will be charged. After the first class, the instructor believes that the location of the class is inappropriate, and will regard it as the instructor's failure to terminate the case, and the instructor must pay the original administrative fee. 5. Parent/student contact information The syllabus will inform the tutor of the parent/student contact information on the day of the first class 6. According to the "Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance" Personal data collected under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance will only be used for matching services between parents/students and tutors.
- 學生/導師須知 | 北京普通話教育坊
Acerca de Precautions 1. This website is only used as an online trading platform This website is only used as an online trading platform. This website is only limited to provide mutual matching services for tutors and parents/students. 2. This website does not guarantee the accuracy of the information This website does not guarantee the accuracy of the information, and this website cannot control the information provided by parents/students or tutors through this website. The relevant guarantee items are listed in the intermediary fee or service profile, as mentioned above. This intermediary fee has been included in this contract and is regarded as a part of the contract. Therefore, this website does not guarantee the accuracy of any information provided by any person through the use of the service. 3. This website does not guarantee the identity of parents/students or tutors This syllabus site does not guarantee the identity of the parent/student/mentor, and this syllabus site cannot and will not confirm the identity of each parent/student or mentor. Therefore, when accepting transactions with parents/students as shown in this website, or when conducting transactions with instructors, you must be careful to prevent deceptive behavior. This website is not responsible for any actions or omissions of any user. 4. This website does not guarantee the conduct of parents/students or tutors This syllabus clearly states that there is no prior interview or home visit with parents/students or tutors, and the legality, suitability or other reasonableness and principles of parents/students regarding the tutor’s morals, academics, accomplishments, teaching quality and quality, etc.; Or the tutor's morality, self-cultivation, conduct and other personal gains or losses of the parents/students are not within the control of this program. This website does not accept or assume any legal responsibilities between the instructor and the parents/students. 5. Guidance on industry/ecommerce regulation and law enforcement In accordance with the laws and regulations of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on the industry/ecommerce regulation and legal operation, Internet commerce and other industries are bound and protected by the same laws. Therefore, when the tutor submits information online, it is no different from a physical contract in law. It will be regarded as a crime if the tutor submits false information/defrauds/defrauds with students or parents. This website will not tolerate tutors. For such illegal activities, the IP of the instructor when submitting and the IP of every future action will also be recorded. This website will also record and backup the content of the conversation with the instructor when necessary, and use such information when necessary. Proof. Tutors should not ruin their future due to temporary greed. Any part of the verbal commitment between the staff of this website and the instructor can be regarded as a formal agreement or contract and has legal effect. This website may also record part or all of the conversation. You must be responsible for your "submission of information", and this site is just a passive data collection and transmission intermediary. "Submission of information" must be ethical, and must ensure that it does not violate any laws, does not contain violence, pornography, and foul language, and must not contain any privacy infringement or discriminatory content. If this site believes that your "submission of information" will have a negative impact on any person or organization, this site will reserve the right to take legal action. 6. Exemption from legal liability of this website This website is exempted from legal liability. If there is any dispute between the parent or student and the instructor or any dispute arising from the use of the service, all responsibilities, claims, claims, compensation (substantial or Indirect), regardless of the nature, known or unknown, suspected or not, disclosed or undisclosed, this website is not required to bear the relevant legal responsibility. 7. Expenditure on this site Expenses of this program, if this program is made in response to the request of a parent or student or tutor or in any litigation involving the parent or student or tutor (whether through a subpoena or an order issued by any court of competent jurisdiction, including All expenses incurred in complying with any disclosure documents) or attending the court to testify, including expenses when seeking legal or other professional opinions or statements on this website, shall be borne by the parents, students or tutors. (In all such cases, all costs are calculated based on actual losses). 8. The rights of this site If the following behaviors of parents/students or tutors are discovered, this program has the right to suspend or terminate the qualifications of parents/students or tutors without paying compensation: (a) Violation of the conditions and terms listed in this contract, or (b) (through conviction, reconciliation, insurance or escrow investigation or other means) engaged in deception related to this website. 9. Right to handle information provided by parents/students or tutors For the right to process the information provided by parents/students or tutors, this website has the absolute and unrestricted power to reject or delete any information provided by parents/students or tutors without any notice or compensation to any party. Without prejudice to this right, if any information provided by the instructor is published or continues to be published, this site will be liable for any third party, or this site will violate any laws of any valid jurisdiction Or rules or the rights of a third party, this website has the right to reject or modify any information provided. 10. Right to withdraw intermediary services This website has the absolute and unrestricted right to withdraw any service conditions without issuing any notice or making any compensation to the instructor. Without derogation from this right, the company has the right to withdraw the service if the following circumstances occur: (a) The personal information provided by the instructor is likely to be incomplete; (b) The instructor is found to have violated the terms and conditions listed in this contract, or the account is suspended by this website in accordance with the terms of this contract; (c) This website is unable to verify or verify any information provided by the instructor or parent or student for any reason.
- 學生專頁 | 北京普通話教育坊
Acerca de Student Page 1. Fill in the information When parents/students want to find excellent tutors, please fill in the online inquiry form on this page Or Whatsapp 9745 6869 or email malaoshi38@yahoo.com.hk Note: A. Contact: Parent/student phone number or Whatsapp or email address B. Location: door-to-door area/visitable area, such as: Hong Kong Mid-levels, Kowloon Olympic Station... C. Educational level: such as: age of children, primary and secondary school grades, adult level D. Learning items: such as: pinyin, conversation, general education Chinese courses, recitation... E. Class language: such as: English, Cantonese, Mandarin F. Class time: such as: Friday at 4pm, Monday at 7pm... G. Tutor requirements: such as university degree, full-time Mandarin teacher 2. Cost A. The service of finding a tutor is completely free, and there is no need to pay any additional fees except for the study tuition. B. Cancellation of confirmed accepted cases, that is, parents/students verbally promise to accept the introduced parents/students, and the instructor also verbally promises to accept the introduced parents/students. Parents/students will cancel the case before the class for any reason. This program station will charge the parents/students in Hong Kong dollars $200 as an administrative fee. This arrangement is because a lot of work has been done in finding suitable tutors for parents/students. 3. Change mentor If parents/students find that the tutor is not suitable after the first class, they can immediately notify the staff in charge of this website to propose a replacement, and the staff in charge of this website will introduce another new tutor to the parents/students again. 4. Instructor contact information This syllabus station will inform parents/students of the contact information of the instructor on the day of the first class 5. According to the "Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance" Personal data collected under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance will only be used for matching services between parents/students and tutors.
- 學生/導師收費 | 北京普通話教育坊
Acerca de 學生/導師收費 失約行為包括任何原因(包括生病)、任何意外所致失約。 失責行為包括爽約、遲到、失責、提供失實履歷、更改或經常更改上課日期時間等。
- 學生/導師須知 | 北京普通話教育坊
Acerca de Precautions 1. This website is only used as an online trading platform This website is only used as an online trading platform. This website is only limited to provide mutual matching services for tutors and parents/students. 2. This website does not guarantee the accuracy of the information This website does not guarantee the accuracy of the information, and this website cannot control the information provided by parents/students or tutors through this website. The relevant guarantee items are listed in the intermediary fee or service profile, as mentioned above. This intermediary fee has been included in this contract and is regarded as a part of the contract. Therefore, this website does not guarantee the accuracy of any information provided by any person through the use of the service. 3. This website does not guarantee the identity of parents/students or tutors This syllabus site does not guarantee the identity of the parent/student/mentor, and this syllabus site cannot and will not confirm the identity of each parent/student or mentor. Therefore, when accepting transactions with parents/students as shown in this website, or when conducting transactions with instructors, you must be careful to prevent deceptive behavior. This website is not responsible for any actions or omissions of any user. 4. This website does not guarantee the conduct of parents/students or tutors This syllabus clearly states that there is no prior interview or home visit with parents/students or tutors, and the legality, suitability or other reasonableness and principles of parents/students regarding the tutor’s morals, academics, accomplishments, teaching quality and quality, etc.; Or the tutor's morality, self-cultivation, conduct and other personal gains or losses of the parents/students are not within the control of this program. This website does not accept or assume any legal responsibilities between the instructor and the parents/students. 5. Guidance on industry/ecommerce regulation and law enforcement In accordance with the laws and regulations of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on the industry/ecommerce regulation and legal operation, Internet commerce and other industries are bound and protected by the same laws. Therefore, when the tutor submits information online, it is no different from a physical contract in law. It will be regarded as a crime if the tutor submits false information/defrauds/defrauds with students or parents. This website will not tolerate tutors. For such illegal activities, the IP of the instructor when submitting and the IP of every future action will also be recorded. This website will also record and backup the content of the conversation with the instructor when necessary, and use such information when necessary. Proof. Tutors should not ruin their future due to temporary greed. Any part of the verbal commitment between the staff of this website and the instructor can be regarded as a formal agreement or contract and has legal effect. This website may also record part or all of the conversation. You must be responsible for your "submission of information", and this site is just a passive data collection and transmission intermediary. "Submission of information" must be ethical, and must ensure that it does not violate any laws, does not contain violence, pornography, and foul language, and must not contain any privacy infringement or discriminatory content. If this site believes that your "submission of information" will have a negative impact on any person or organization, this site will reserve the right to take legal action. 6. Exemption from legal liability of this website This website is exempted from legal liability. If there is any dispute between the parent or student and the instructor or any dispute arising from the use of the service, all responsibilities, claims, claims, compensation (substantial or Indirect), regardless of the nature, known or unknown, suspected or not, disclosed or undisclosed, this website is not required to bear the relevant legal responsibility. 7. Expenditure on this site Expenses of this program, if this program is made in response to the request of a parent or student or tutor or in any litigation involving the parent or student or tutor (whether through a subpoena or an order issued by any court of competent jurisdiction, including All expenses incurred in complying with any disclosure documents) or attending the court to testify, including expenses when seeking legal or other professional opinions or statements on this website, shall be borne by the parents, students or tutors. (In all such cases, all costs are calculated based on actual losses). 8. The rights of this site If the following behaviors of parents/students or tutors are discovered, this program has the right to suspend or terminate the qualifications of parents/students or tutors without paying compensation: (a) Violation of the conditions and terms listed in this contract, or (b) (through conviction, reconciliation, insurance or escrow investigation or other means) engaged in deception related to this website. 9. Right to handle information provided by parents/students or tutors For the right to process the information provided by parents/students or tutors, this website has the absolute and unrestricted power to reject or delete any information provided by parents/students or tutors without any notice or compensation to any party. Without prejudice to this right, if any information provided by the instructor is published or continues to be published, this site will be liable for any third party, or this site will violate any laws of any valid jurisdiction Or rules or the rights of a third party, this website has the right to reject or modify any information provided. 10. Right to withdraw intermediary services This website has the absolute and unrestricted right to withdraw any service conditions without issuing any notice or making any compensation to the instructor. Without derogation from this right, the company has the right to withdraw the service if the following circumstances occur: (a) The personal information provided by the instructor is likely to be incomplete; (b) The instructor is found to have violated the terms and conditions listed in this contract, or the account is suspended by this website in accordance with the terms of this contract; (c) This website is unable to verify or verify any information provided by the instructor or parent or student for any reason.