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簡介:國籍:中國北京, 英文流利,廣東話流利,普通話流利,法文基礎,香港大學普通話教學法證書,國家語委普通話水平測試一級,擔任中英文家庭教師共計兩年時間,教授學前、幼稚園、小學生及成人普通話,中文及英文。分別在拼音教學,朗誦比賽輔導,幼兒普通話水準測試輔導,成人普通話教學等方面具有相應經驗。並擁有金融管理,經濟學,酒店管理學位及工作經驗,曾於中國,瑞士,法國,香港,澳門等地學習及工作。



Ms. Elisabeth LEE: Wan Chai, Hong Kong.Nationality: Beijing, China.Fluent in English, Cantonese, Pugtonghua, basic in French. Certificate in Putonghua Teaching in Hong Kong University, Certificate of proficiency in Putonghua – Grade A. 2-year experiences as a family tutor, used to teach Putonghua and English for preschool, kindergarten, primary school students and Putonghua for adults. Experienced in teaching Putonghua Pinyin, Putonghua recitation on contest, test of GAPSK, Putonghua for adults. Hotels and banking background, studied and worked in China, Switzerland, France, Hongkong and Macao, holding bachelor degree in Finance and Economics, PGD in Hospitality Management.

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